National Bison Range Montana CSKT Bison Range

Located in western Montana and established in 1908 the National Bison Range is a wildlife sanctuary established by the United States Government on land from the Flathead Indian Head Reservation. Through Public Law 116-260, Congress restored the Bison Range as a federal trust ownership under the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) now known as the CSKT Bison Range. The range is home to descendants of the free-ranging Reservation herd started by Tribal members in the 1800’s when plains bison were near extinction. Pend d’Oreille tribe named Atatice who knew something needed to be done as the buffalo disappeared. Atatice’s son Latati, or Little Peregrine Falcon, eventually led six orphan bison west to the Flathead Reservation. His stepfather, Samuel Walking Coyote, sold them to horse traders Michel Pablo and Charles Allard in 1884.

Screenshots from filming for NATIVE | The Prodigies of an Icon
NATIVE | The Prodigies of an Icon is a documentary following the history of bison up through its modern life. The film is supported by the following:
Grant Partner
Production Partner
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Heim Land & Bison
Film Producer:
Content Director & Filming Coordinator:
Shauna Rankin Meet My Neighbor Productions, Inc. Yanasa TV
Creative Director and Videographer:
Charlie Rankin Meet My Neighbor Productions, Inc. Yanasa TV
Posted in Production Photos.