YouTube 294,334
Facebook 120,476
Instagram 4,509
Rumble 870
Bitchute 5,618
LinkedIn 2,635
Twitter 416

*Stats Last Updated 10/18/2022


Meet My Neighbor Productions achieves it’s mission of impact storytelling through constant engagement. As our production team goes to work, our media team goes to publishing.

Connecting Consumers to Producers requires constant promotion and interaction. These efforts ultimately generate interest and promote eagerness for the final feature film.

During the 24 month production period our team will be constantly engaging viewers through numerous media avenues.

Photos – Immediately following each filming session our media team acquires screen shots from footage to edit and create photo experiences for our followers across our social media and partners social media accounts. Photos are distributed with tags of locations, farms, products, and movements to gain traction within the social media sphere of influence.

Vlogs – We take our viewers behind the scenes with the Meet My Neighbor On The Road Vlog. Following individual farm or ranch visits, our team prepares a “Film Vlog”. These Vlogs are published on the Yanasa TV broadcast network and distributed through our partners social media accounts. “Film Vlogs” are a less formal way of reaching viewers and keeping them engaged with current productions. They often offer some educational information and allow our team to showcase parts of the farm and ranches that aren’t necessarily part of the final documentaries narrative. Vlogs also enable us to develop early interest in the farmers and ranchers we are covering.

Blogs – Blogs are short write ups describing our filming actives. Blogs are often used to create a web presence through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for our Photos and Vlogs. Blogs can be found on our Meet My Neighbor Website as well as our film project page.

Meet My Neighbor Farm Series – Not all ranches, but many ranches will be featured in our Meet My Neighbor Farm Series. This series creates eight to ten 30-45 minute documentaries each year featuring Sustainable, Regenerative, and Humane farmers and ranches. The series offers participants the opportunity to have a feature segment just on their ranch. It also provides additional cross promotion for the Feature Film.

Trailers – As we complete separate milestones in production, our team will create updated 60-90 second trailers and several slightly longer film samplings to promote the final film to both the public and additional production partners.

Press Releases – Meet My Neighbor Productions will be providing press releases with all major updates for the film including milestone achievements and production partnerships.


Special Screenings or Screening Parties of the film prior to and after public release will be scheduled with Production Partners. These screenings allow our production team to engage with clients, participants, and invitees to gain their support in assisting us with promoting the public release.


NATIVE | The Prodigies Of An Icon will be submitted to numerous film festivals. Film Festivals, and any Awards received, offer additional exposure within the industry and possible premium placement within On Demand Streaming Services.


Yanasa TV, our broadcast partner, will be launching a Roku and Fire TV App upon the completion of the 2021 Meet My Neighbor Farm Series. The app will host productions by Meet My Neighbor Productions as well as other quality agricultural documentaries and films. The apps aim to engage and interest of viewers looking for a television experience and will not host “Vlogs” or other “Made for Social Media” programs.


As the project develops, Meet My Neighbor Productions will continually update trailers and media samplings to promote through additional Broadcast Partners including local and national televised programs.


Social Media allows Meet My Neighbor Productions to effectively reach tens of thousands of viewers within a short period of time. Social Media algorithms place importance based upon a videos reach and viral significance. Gaining momentum within the algorithms increases a productions rankings in search results which will provide years of premium placement across the internet.

Utilizing a robust network of partners, Meet My Neighbor Productions has access to a large, ever growing media base of subscribers, giving each production the boost necessary for premium placement.

Meet My Neighbor Productions works within it’s own network and the networks of broadcast partners to distribute productions to a wide variety of viewers.

Each Participant and Production Partner is also encouraged to share the final documentary and all corresponding trailers with their social networks to create cross promotion and continuity within the project.

The following is a list of project contributors, and their social media reach. This list will be updated as participants agree to participate in our distribution partnership.

Current Total Project Social Media Reach: 161,952

All Numbers As Of 10/18/2022

Meet My Neighbor Productions Network

LinkedIn Page Followers – 863
Meet My Neighbor Productions has been focusing heavily on LinkedIn Networking, building a following of Agricultural Leaders and Regenerative Ag Professionals. The NonProfits LinkedIn Network grows by approximately 75 followers per month.

Facebook Page Followers – 329

Email Distribution List – 2,700

Yanasa TV Broadcast Network

YouTube Subscribers – 147,465

Facebook Followers – 7,500

Instagram Followers – 494

Pinterest Followers – 91

Twitter Followers – 1,484

BitChute Subscribers – 187

Rumble Subscribers – 839